Chauvin & Roberge, Algues Norman.Chauvin, F.J.; Roberge, M.R. [1 - 200]
Field Museum of Natural History
ex herb. Lenormand #s.n.
Plocamium coccineum Lyngbye
France, Normandy, [precise locality unknown]
Field Museum of Natural History
herb. J. Chauvin #s.n.
Hutchinsia stricta (Roth) Lyngbye
France, Normandy, [precise locality unknown]
Field Museum of Natural History
J. Chauvin #s.n.
Hutchinsia elongata (Hudson) C.Agardh
France, Normandy, [precise locality unknown]
Field Museum of Natural History
J. Chauvin #s.n.
Callithamnion tetricum (Dillwyn) S.F.Gray
France, Normandy, [precise locality unknown]
Field Museum of Natural History
J. Chauvin #s.n.
Ulva crispa Lightfoot
France, Normandy, [precise locality unknown]