
Plantae exsiccatae ab universitatae Britannico-Columbiana editae. Series Algae #3
Scagel, Pl. Exs. Univ. Brit.-Columb. Algae
Scagel, R.F. [1-50]

University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Catalog #: 00382327
R. F. Scagel s.n. 21 June 1955
Ahnfeltia plicata (Hudson) E.M.Fries
United States, Washington, Goose Island, southeast of San Juan Islands, WA

University of Michigan
Catalog #: 641388
Robert F. Scagel #2 21 June 1955
Ahnfeltia fastigiata (Endlicher) Makienko
United States, Washington, San Juan, Goose Island, at the south entrance to San Juan Channel

San Diego Natural History Museum - Algae
Catalog #: SD00003285
Robert F. Scagel #2 21 June 1955
Ahnfeltia fastigiata (Endlicher) Makienko
United States, Washington, San Juan, Goose Island, at the south entrance to San Juan Channel

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium; Max & Fran Hommersand Algae Herbarium: Algae
Catalog #: NCU-A-0000596
Scagel, Robert F. #2 21 June 1955
Ahnfeltia fastigiata (Postels et Ruprecht) Makienko
United States, Washington, San Juan, Goose Island, at the south entrance to San Juan Channel, Washington, U.S.A. [United States of America] (Lat. 48d27'N. Long. 122d57'W.)