
North American marine algae distributed from the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden #4171
Anonymous, N. Amer. Marine Algae
Anonymous [1 - ?]

Drexel University, Academy of Natural Sciences - Algae
Catalog #: PH00218186
M. A. Howe #4171 26 February 1905
Herposiphonia pecten-veneris (Harvey) Falkenberg
Bahamas, Stocking Island, Exuma harbor

Field Museum of Natural History
Catalog #: C0511575F
Marshall A. Howe s.n. 26 February 1905
Herposiphonia pecten-veneris (Harvey) Falkenberg
Bahamas, Stocking Island, Exuma Harbor.

Field Museum of Natural History
Catalog #: C0511577F
Marshall A. Howe #4171 28 February 1905
Herposiphonia pecten-veneris (Harvey) Falkenberg
Bahamas, Stocking Island, Exuma Harbor.

Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium - Macroalgae Collection
Catalog #: CHRB0021031
Marshall A. Howe #4171 26 February 1905
Herposiphonia pecten-veneris (Harvey) Falkenberg
Bahamas, Stocking Island, Exuma Harbor, Bahamas

University of Michigan
Catalog #: 658006
Marshall A. Howe #s.n. 26 February 1905
Herposiphonia pecten-veneris (Harvey) Falkenberg
Bahamas, Exuma Harbor, Stocking Island

Field Museum of Natural History
Catalog #: C0511576F
Marshall A. Howe #s.n. 26 February 1905
Herposiphonia pecten-veneris (Harvey) Falkenberg
Bahamas, Stocking Island, Exuma Harbor

Field Museum of Natural History
Catalog #: C0511573F
Marshall A. Howe #s.n. 26 February 1905
Herposiphonia pecten-veneris (Harvey) Falkenberg
Bahamas, Stocking Island, Exuma Harbor