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Algae Nova Zelandicae exsiccatae
Abbreviation: Lindauer, Algae Nov. Zeland. Exs.
Editor(s): Lindauer, V.W.
Range: 1 - 350
Notes: ExsiccataID: 1681524351
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Åkermark, Typ-Saml. Skand. Alger [1 - 100] (#12)
Algae Zeelandiae [? - ?] (#263)
Allen, Brit. Charoph. [1-24] (#13)
Allen, Characeae Amer. Exs. [1-46] (#14)
Allen, Characeae Japon. Exs. [1 - 17 plus ?] (#16)
Allen, Charoph. Ind. [1-14] (#17)
Anonymous (?), Phycoth. Polon. [ - ] (#34)
Anonymous, Algae Marinae Hibern. [1 - ?] (#18)
Anonymous, Algae Ponti Euxini Exs. [1-25] (#19)
Anonymous, Algae Univ. Calif. [1 - 250] (#20)
Anonymous, Algue France [601 - 700] (#21)
Anonymous, Exs. Alg. Iber. [1 - ?] (#22)
Anonymous, Fl. Doming. [1 - ?] (#23)
Anonymous, Fl. Exs. Reipubl. Bohem. Slov. [1 - ?] (#24)
Anonymous, Fl. Hung. Exs. [1 - 1000] (#25)
Anonymous, Fl. Marina Abbazia [[1] - [20]] (#26)
Anonymous, Krypt. Exs. [1 - 100] (#27)
Anonymous, N. Amer. Marine Algae [1 - ?] (#28)
Anonymous, Reliqu. Sirodot. [1-31] (#29)
Anonymous, Schulsamml. Helgoland [1 - ?] (#30)
Anonymous, Soc. Dauph. [1 - ?] (#31)
Anonymous, Soc. Dauph., 2. Sér. [1 - ?] (#32)
Anonymous, Soc. Roch. 1892 [? - ?] (#33)
Areschoug, Algae Scand. Exs. [1-84] (#35)
Areschoug, Algae Scand. Exs. Ser. Nov. [1 - 430] (#37)
Areschoug, Algae Scand. Exs. [Lund] [1-12] (#36)
Areschoug, Phyceae Extraeur. Exs. [Jan-90] (#38)
Arnott, Diatom. [1 - 750] (#39)
Baenitz, Herb. Eur. [? - 10522] (#40)
Baglietto, Cesati & Notaris, Erb. Critt. Ital. Ser. II [651 - 1500] (#42)
Baglietto, Cesati & Notaris, Erb. Critt. Ital. Ser. II [1 - 650] (#43)
Baglietto, Cesati & Notaris, Erb. Critt. Ital. Ser. I [1 - 1500] (#41)
Baker, W. Amer. Pl. [1-65] (#44)
Bavoux, Guichard, Guichard & Paillot, Fl. Exs. Billot [3301 - 4000] (#266)
Baxter, Stirp. Crypt. Oxon. [1 - 100] (#45)
Beck & Zahlbruckner, Krypt. Exs. [101 - 400] (#46)
Becker, Algae Marinae Afr. Austr. [? - ?] (#47)
Bescherer, Crypt.-samml. [1 - ?] (#48)
Billot, Fl. Gall. Germ. Exs. [1601 - 3300] (#49)
Blum, Vaucheriae Exs. [1-22] (#50)
Borza, Fl. Roman. Exs. [1 - ? 2800] (#51)
Borza, Gergely & Raţiu, Fl. Roman. Exs. [3001 - 3300] (#52)
Bourgeau, Pl. Espagne [1-25] (#53)
Braun, Rabenhorst & Stizenberger, Characeen Eur. [1 - 121] (#54)
Breutel, Fl. Germ. Exs. Crypt. [101 - 500] (#55)
Breutel, Fl. Germ. Exs. Crypt. [ed. 2] [1 - 100] (#56)
Brockmüller, Mecklenb. Krypt. [1 - 300] (#57)
Burkhill, Algae Brit. Isl. [ - ] (#58)
Chalmers, Algae Scot. [1-50] (#59)
Chauvin & Roberge, Algues Norman. [1 - 200] (#60)
Chevallier, Pl. Saharae Alg. Exs. [1 - ? 650] (#61)
Cleve & Möller, Diatoms [1 - 324] (#62)
Cocks, Algarum Fasc. ["1" - "180"] (#63)
Collins & Harvey, Algae Bermuda [? - ?] (#68)
Collins, Holden & Setchell, Phycoth. Bor.-Amer. [1-2300] (#3)
Collins, Holden & Setchell, Phycoth. Bor.-Amer. [I-CXXV] (#4)
Collins, N. Amer. Algae [? - ?] (#67)
Crouan & Crouan, Algues Mar. Finistère [1 - 404] (#69)
Curtiss, Florida Algae [[1] - [100]] (#70)
Dąmbska, Charath. Polon. [1 - 210] (#71)
De Toni & Levi, Phycoth. Ital. [1 - 150] (#78)
De Toni, Herb. Phycol. [1-20] (#77)
Debes, Samml. Diatomeenpräp. [25-Jan] (#72)
Delise, Nereide Franç. [1 - 100] (#73)
Delogne, Diatom. Belg. [1 - 100] (#74)
Desmazières, Pl. Crypt. N. France, Ed. 1 [1 - 2200] (#75)
Desmazières, Pl. Crypt. N. France, Ed. 2, Ser. 1 [1 - 1850] (#76)
Dickson, Hortus Sicc. Brit. [1 - 475] (#79)
Dillwyn, Brit. Confervae [1-44] (#80)
Don, Herb. Brit. [1 - 225] (#81)
Dupray, Mougeot & Roumeguère, Algues France [501 - 600] (#82)
Durant, Algae New York [1 - 293] (#83)
Durieu, Pl. Sel. Hisp.-Lusit. [1 - ?] (#84)
Ehrhart, Pl. Crypt. Linn. [1 - 320] (#85)
Eiben, Algen Ostfries. [10-Jan] (#86)
Eiben, Algen Ostfries. [ed. 2] [10-Jan] (#87)
Eiben, Diatom. Ostfries. [1-10] (#88)
Endress, Unio Itin. [? - ?] (#89)
Engelmann & Gray, Lindheimer Fl. Texana Exs. [1 - 754] (#90)
Enomoto, Yoshida, Masuda & Kawai, Marine Benth. Algae Seto Japon. [1 - 189 [240]] (#91)
Eulenstein, Diatom. [1 - 100] (#92)
Eulenstein, Diatom. [ed. 2] [1 - 100] (#93)
Farlow, Anderson & Eaton, Algae Exs. Amer. Bor. [1 - 230] (#94)
Ferguson & Grunow, Algae Ceyl. [1 - 144/5] (#95)
Fleischer, Unio Itin. [1 - ?150] (#264)
Foslie & Gjaerevoll, Lithothamnia Sel. Exs. [Jan-32] (#96)
Fries, Herb. Norm. Pl. Suec. [[1] - [1400] ?] (#97)
Fries, T., Lich. Exs. Suec. [331 - 360] (#98)
Fristedt, Sver. Pharm. Växt. [1 - [740]] (#99)
Fritsch, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [2801 - 3600] (#100)
Funck, Crypt. Gew. Bes. Fichtelgeb. Ed. II [166 - 865] (#101)
Ghişa & Gergely, Fl. Roman. Exs. [2901 - 3000] (#102)
Gobi, Algae Ross. Exs. [1-50] (#103)
Greville, Algae Brit. [1 - ? 42] (#104)
Groves & Bullock-Webster, Brit. Irish Charoph. [1-42] (#105)
Groves & Groves, Charac. Brit. Exs. [1-60] (#106)
Günther, Grabowsky & Wimmer, Schles. Gew. [? - ?] (#107)
Habirshaw, Coll. Diatom. [? - ?] (#108)
Hamberg, Krypt.-Herb. [1 - 100] (#109)
Hamel, Alg. Antilles Franç. [1 - 150] (#110)
Hamel, Alg. France [1-150] (#8)
Hamel-Joukov, Alg. France [151 - 200] (#112)
Hamilton, Poulin, Charles & Angell, Amer. Diatom. Exs. [1-98] (#113)
Hamilton, Poulin, Prévost, Angell & Edlund, Amer. Diat. Exs. [99 - 150] (#114)
Handmann, Mikrosk. Präp. [1 - [70]] (#115)
Harvey, Austral. Algae [1 - 601] (#116)
Harvey, Ceylon Algae [1 - 106] (#117)
Harvey, Friendly Isl. Algae [1 - 124] (#118)
Hauck & Richter, Phykoth. Univ. [1 - 300] (#119)
Hennings, Phykoth. Marchica [1 - 100] (#120)
Henriques, Fl. Lusit. Exs. [1 - 1900] (#121)
Herter, Plantae Urug. Exs. [1 - 2700] (#122)
Hohenacker, Algae Marin. Sicc. [1 - 600] (#124)
Hohenacker, Herb. Norm. Pl. Officin. [1 - 410] (#125)
Hohenacker, Kotschy Pl. Pers. Austr. [1 - ? 600] (#126)
Hohenacker, Schimper Pl. Arab. Petr. Ed. II [1 - ?] (#127)
Holmes, Algae Brit. Rar. Exs. [1 - 312] (#128)
Hooper & South, Algae Terr. Nov. [103 - 122] (#130)
Hooper & South, Algae Terr. Nov. [151 - 200] (#131)
Hooper, Algae Terr. Nov. [123 - 150] (#129)
Howe, N. Amer. Algae [? - ?] (#132)
Hylmö, Skand. Meeresalgen [1 - 100] (#133)
Jack, Leiner & Stizenberger, Krypt. Badens [1 - 1000] (#134)
Jack, Leiner & Stizenberger, Krypt. Badens Suppl. [? (1) - ?] (#135)
Jenner, Exsiccatensamml. [1 - ?] (#136)
Joshua & Holmes, Brit. Fresh-Water Algae [1-48] (#137)
Jürgens, Algae Aquat. Jever. [1 - [200]] (#138)
Karczmarz, Charoph. Eur. Orient. Exs. [1-15] (#140)
Karczmarz, Charoph. Polon. Exs. [1-20] (#141)
Keck & Scriba, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [201 - 700] (#144)
Keck, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [701 - 1300] (#142)
Keck, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [1300 - 3000] (#143)
Keissler, Krypt. Exs. [2601 - 3200] (#145)
Kerner von Marilaun, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [1 - 2800] (#146)
Kitayama, Algae Mar. Japon. Exs. [1-in progress] (#9)
Kitton, Norfolk Diatoms [1 - 100] (#148)
Kneiff & Hartmann, Pl. Crypt. Baden. [1 - 200] (#149)
Kralik, Algae Schousboe. [1 - 494] (#150)
Krause & Krause, Exs. Eur. Characeen [1-90] (#151)
Kützing, Algarum Germ. [1 - 160] (#152)
Lasch & Baenitz, Herb. Norddeutscher Pfl. [1 - [346]] (#153)
Le Jolis, Algues Marin. Cherb. [1 - 280] (#154)
Le Lièvre & Prouhet, Hydroph. Morbihan [1 - 100] (#155)
Lenormand, Thalissoph. France Ser. I [1 - 100] (#156)
Lenormand, Thalissoph. France Ser. II [1 - 100] (#157)
Levi-Morenos, Phycoth. Ital. [151 - 200] (#158)
Libert, Pl. Crypt. Arduenna [1 - 400] (#159)
Linder, Reliqu. Farlow. [601 - 1000] (#161)
Lloyd, Algues France [1 - ? 380] (#162)
M'Calla, Algae Hibern. Vol. I [1-50] (#163)
M'Calla, Algae Hibern. Vol. II [1-50] (#164)
Magnier, Fl. Sel. Exs. [1-37] (#165)
Magnier, Pl. Gall. Sept. Belg. [1 - ? 700] (#166)
Mandon, Algae Mader. [1 - 53 ?] (#167)
Marcucci, Unio Itin. Crypt. [1 - ?] (#168)
Mertens, Frölich & Suhr, Hydroph. Coll. [? - ?] (#169)
Migula, Krypt. Germ., Austr. Helv. Exs. [Algen] [1 - 300] (#170)
Migula, Sydow & Wahlstedt, Characeae Exs. [1 - 150] (#171)
Mohr, Schlesw.-Holst. Algae [1-35] (#172)
Möller, Diatom. Typen-Platte [1 - [100]] (#173)
Mougeot & Nestler, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.-Rhen. [1 - 1100] (#177)
Mougeot, Manoury & Roumeguère, Algues France [1 - 500] (#174)
Mougeot, Nestler & Schimper, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.-Rhen. [1101 - 1400] (#175)
Mougeot, Roumeguère & Dupray, Algues France [1001 - 1500] (#176)
Nielsen, Algae Marin. Dan. Exs. [1 - 100] (#178)
Nielsen, Exs. Characeer Danmark [1-63] (#179)
Nordstedt & Wahlstedt, Charac. Scand. [1 - 120] (#180)
Northrop & Northrop, Bahama Pl. [1 - ?] (#181)
Okada, Algae Japon. [Exs.] [1 - [30]] (#182)
Okamura, Algae Japon. Exs. [1 - 100] (#139)
Opiz, Fl. Crypt. Boëmiae [1 - 200] (#184)
Oudemans, Herb. Nederl. Pl. [1 - 1350] (#185)
Palmer, Algae Baham. [? - ?] (#186)
Palmer, Algae Florid. [? - ?] (#187)
Passauer, Crypt. Exs. [4701 - 5000] (#188)
Petrak, Crypt. Exs. [3201 - 4700] (#189)
Petrak, Fl. Bohem. Morav. Exs. Algen [1 - ?] (#190)
Rabenhorst, Algen Eur. [1001 - 2600] (#191)
Rabenhorst, Algen Sachs. [1 - 10] (#192)
Rabenhorst, Algen Sachs. [11-40] (#193)
Rabenhorst, Algen Sachs. Eur. [41 - 80] (#194)
Rabenhorst, Algen Sachs. Eur. [81 - 1000] (#195)
Rabenhorst, Bacill. Sachs. [1-70] (#196)
Rabenhorst, Krypt. Samml., Syst. Uebersicht, Pteridoph. Fucus [Jan-40] (#197)
Raciborski, Crypt. Paras. Java [1 - 150] (#198)
Raciborski, Phykoth. Polon. [1 - 150] (#199)
Ralfs, Brit. Algae [1-40] (#200)
Rassau, Algen Deutsch. Nordsee-Ins. [1 - ? 150] (#201)
Raţiu & Gergely, Fl. Roman. Exs. [3301 - 3500] (#202)
Reichenbach & Breutel, Fl. Germ. Exs. Crypt. [1 - 100] (#203)
Richter, Phykoth. Univ. [301 - 750] (#204)
Roumeguère, Algue France 2 Sér. [1 - 300] (#205)
Roumeguère, Algues France [701 - 1000] (#206)
Scagel, Pl. Exs. Univ. Brit.-Columb. Algae [1-50] (#207)
Schiffner, Algae Marine Exs. [1-1500] (#6)
Schiller, Algae Adriat. Exs. [1-30] (#209)
Schiller, Cammerloher & Seefeldner, Algae Adriat. Exs. [31 - 60] (#210)
Schiller, Hydrobiol. Präp. [1a [1] - 1c [6]] (#211)
Schimper, Iter Abyssin. Sect. Sec. [? - more than 1400] (#265)
Schimper, Unio Itin. 1835 [1 ? - ?] (#212)
Schimper, Unio Itin. 1837 [? - ?] (#267)
Schmidt, Algae S. Amer. [1 - ?] (#213)
Schultz, Fl. Gall. Germ. Exs. [1 - 1600] (#214)
Schultz, Herb. Norm. [1 - 1200] (#215)
Schultz, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [1 - 200] (#216)
Seefeldner, Algae Adriat. Exs. [61 - 90] (#217)
Sieber, Crypt. Exot. [Jan-65] (#218)
Simmer, Crypt. Kreuzeckgeb. [1 - [400]] (#219)
Simmons, Iter Faeroense [? - ?] (#220)
Smith, Diatom. Spec. Typ. [1 - 650 (? 750)] (#221)
Sommerfelt, Pl. Crypt. Norveg. [1 - 200] (#222)
South & Hooper, Algae Terr. Nov. [83 - 102] (#226)
South, Algae Terr. Nov. [1-82] (#223)
South, S. Pacific Pl. 1st Ser. Algae [[1] "1821" - [84] "2043"] (#224)
South, S. Pacific Pl. 2nd Ser. Algae [1-410] (#225)
Sprenger, Diatom. Bohem. [1-30] (#227)
Steicher, Alg. Seychelles [1-85] (#228)
Stenford, Pl. Mer [[1] - [49]] (#229)
Stenford, Plus Belles Pl. Mer [[1] - [48]] (#230)
Tanaka, Algae Marin. Salsug. Exs. [1 - 150 (in progr.?)] (#231)
Tempère & Peragallo, Coll. Diatom. Monde [1 - 625] (#232)
Tempère & Peragallo, Diatom. Monde [1 - 1000] (#233)
Threde, Algen Nordsee [1 - 100] (#234)
Tilden, Amer. Algae [1-650] (#5)
Tilden, S. Pacific Algae [1-48] (#236)
Traill, Algae Firth of Forth [[1] - [7 or 8]] (#237)
Tseng, Chin. Marine Algae [1 - 100] (#238)
Tuji, Algae Aquae Dulcis Japon. Exs. [1-30] (#239)
Tyson, S. Afr. Marine Algae [1 - 100] (#240)
Van Heurck & Grunow, Types Diatom. Belg. [1 - 550] (#241)
Vàtova, Algae Adriat. Exs. [[1] - [50]] (#242)
Velazquez, Herb. Crypt. Bot. Philip. [1-75] (#243)
Vickers, Algues Barbade [? - ?] (#244)
Wagner, Crypt.-Herb. [1 - [120]] (#245)
Wartmann & Schenk, Schweiz. Krypt. [1 - 700] (#246)
Wartmann & Winter, Schweiz. Krypt. [701 - 900] (#247)
Welwitsch, Cryptoth. Lusit. [1 - ? 125] (#248)
Welwitsch, Iter Angol. [? - ?] (#249)
Welwitsch, Phycoth. Lusit. [1 - 156] (#250)
Westendorp & Wallays, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [351 - 1400] (#253)
Westendorp, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [251 - 350] (#251)
Westendorp, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [1 - 250] (#252)
Wittrock & Nordstedt, Algae Aquae Dulcis Exs. [1 - 1200] (#255)
Wittrock, Nordstedt & Lagerheim, Algae Aquae Dulcis Exs. [1201 - 1612] (#254)
Wolle, Freshwater Algae U.S. [? - ?] (#258)
Womersley, Marine Algae S. Austral. [1 - 316 ?] (#259)
Wyatt, Algae Danmon. [1 - 201] (#260)
Wyatt, Suppl. Algae Danmon. [202 - 236] (#261)
Zahlbruckner, Krypt. Exs. [401 - 2600] (#262)
Add Exsiccata Number
Exsiccata Number:
#1 -
Nostoc verrucosum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (1) 1937-12-01
#2 -
Chaetomorpha aerea
, Lindauer, Victor W. (2) 1937-08-23
#3 -
Monostroma nitidum
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1937-11-18
#4 -
Scytosiphon lomentaria
, Lindauer, Victor W. (4) 1937-08-24
#5 -
Colpomenia sinuosa
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1937-08-22
#6 -
Myriogloea sciurus
, Lindauer, Victor W. (6) 1937-10-09
#7 -
Ecklonia brevipes
#8 -
Hormosira banksii
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-01-24
#9 -
Cystophora torulosa
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-01-20
#10 -
Carpophyllum elongatum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (10) 1937-10-02
#11 -
Sargassum spinuligerum
#12 -
Zonaria angustata
#13 -
Glossophora harveyi
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1937-12-21
#14 -
Gelidium crinale
, Lindauer, Victor W. (14) 1938-01-22
#15 -
Asparagopsis armata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (15) 1937-11-01
#16 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (16) 1938-01-22
#17 -
Nemastoma oligarthra
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1937-11-22
#18 -
Tylotus prolifer
, Lindauer, Victor W. (18) 1937-07-03
#19 -
Hypnea nidifica
, Lindauer, Victor W. (19) 1937-11-18
#20 -
Laurencia thyrsifera
, Lindauer, Victor W. (20) 1937-11-20
#21 -
Polysiphonia tongatensis
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1938-01-22
#22 -
Vidalia colensoi
, Lindauer, Victor W. (22) 1937-07-09
#23 -
Pleurostichidium falkenbergii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (23) 1937-07-09
#24 -
Gigartina alveata
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1939-02-02
#25 -
Champia laingii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (25) 1937-10-02
#26 -
Placoma vesiculosum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (26) 1938-03-20
#27 -
Caulerpa hypnoides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (27) 1936-07-21
#28 -
Feldmannia indica
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-01-22
#29 -
Elachista australis
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1937-11-06
#30 -
Splachnidium rugosum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (30) 1939-02-15
#31 -
Perithalia capillaris
, Lindauer, Victor W. (31) 1938-05-27
#32 -
Ecklonia biruncinata
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1937-07-10
#33 -
Carpophyllum flexuosum
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1937-10-03
#34 -
Sargassum sinclairii
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1937-10-03
#35 -
Liagora harveyana
, Lindauer, Victor W. (35) 1937-02-27
#36 -
Gloiophloea scinaioides
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-12-16
#37 -
Corallina hombronii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (37) 1938-01-22
#38 -
Pachymenia himantophora
, Lindauer, Victor W. (38) 1937-08-23
#39 -
Curdiea crateriformis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (39) 1938-07-24
#40 -
Melanthalia abscissa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (40) 1938-07-24
#41 -
Cladhymenia lyallii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (41) 1938-02-24
#42 -
Lophurella caespitosa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (42) 1937-03-01
#43 -
Bostrychia scorpioides
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1937-11-24
#44 -
Euzoniella incisa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (44) 1938-08-11
#45 -
Delisea compressa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (45) 1938-02-04
#46 -
Apophlaea sinclairii
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-08-14
#47 -
Sarcodiotheca colensoi
, Lindauer, Victor W. (47) 1938-02-07
#48 -
Catenella nipae
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1937-11-18
#49 -
Gigartina laingii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (49) 1937-11-20
#50 -
Champia novae-zelandiae var. dolchipoda
, Lindauer, Victor W. (50) 1939-03-09
#51 -
Lyngbya majuscula
, Lindauer, Victor W. (51) 1938-11-28
#52 -
Isactis plana
, Lindauer, Victor W. (52) 1939-04-09
#53 -
Codium laingii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (53) 1937-09-03
#54 -
Caulerpa sedoides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (54) 1939-12-03
#55 -
Enteromorpha bulbosa
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1939-04-09
#56 -
Halopteris hordacea
, Lindauer, Victor W. (56) 1939-08-15
#57 -
Notheia anomala
, Lindauer, Victor W. (57) 1939-02-20
#58 -
Xiphophora chondrophylla var. minor
, Lindauer, Victor W. (58) 1938-08-12
#59 -
Carpophyllum plumosum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (59) 1937-09-19
#60 -
Porphyra columbina
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-11-30
#61 -
Helminthocladia australis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (61) 1938-12-16
#62 -
Nothogenia pulvinata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (62) 1937-10-30
#63 -
Gelidium caulacantheum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (63) 1940-09-21
#64 -
Grateloupia intestinalis
, Victor W. Lindauer (277) 1936-12-27
#65 -
Schizymenia Novae-zelandiae
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-01-16
#66 -
Plocamium angustum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (66) 1939-09-16
#67 -
Gigartina macrocarpa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (67) 1939-03-08
#68 -
Gymnogongrus nodiferus
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1939-03-26
#69 -
Stenogramma interruptum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (69) 1939-09-15
#70 -
Hymenena berggerniana
, Lindauer, Victor W. (70) 1938-01-19
#71 -
Laurencia distichophylla
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-02-15
#72 -
Polysiphonia strictissima
, Lindauer, Victor W. (72) 1938-07-02
#73 -
Aphanocladia delicatula
, Lindauer, Victor W. (73) 1938-11-12
#74 -
Lenormandia coronata
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1935-07-08
#75 -
Centroceras clavulatum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (75) 1938-11-27
#76 -
Symploca muscorum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (76) 1939-11-25
#77 -
Rivularia beccariana
, Lindauer, Victor W. (77) 1939-10-26
#78 -
Stigonema mamillosum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (78) 1939-11-24
#79 -
Codium cranwelliae
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1939-10-15
#80 -
Cladophoropsis herpestica
, Lindauer, Victor W. (80) 1939-05-03
#81 -
Enteromorpha prolifera
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1939-04-09
#82 -
Trentepohlia jolithus var. crassior
, Lindauer, Victor W. (82) 1939-08-14
#83 -
Pylaiella novazeelandiae
, Lindauer, Victor W. (83) 1938-01-04
#84 -
Ectocarpus elegans
, V.W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1940-01-11
#85 -
Carpomitra halyseris
, Lindauer, Victor W. (85) 1939-12-12
#86 -
Myriogloea lutea
, Lindauer, Victor W. (86) 1937-11-06
#87 -
Scytothamnus australis
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1939-11-11
#88 -
Hormosira banksii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (88) 1939-12-22
#89 -
Nothocladus lindaueri
, Lindauer, Victor W. (89) 1937-12-01
#90 -
Melobesia novae-zelandiae
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1940-01-14
#91 -
Cryptonemia latissima
, Lindauer, Victor W. (91) 1939-12-12
#92 -
Gigartina cranwellae
, Lindauer, Victor W. (92) 1939-12-28
#93 -
Abroteia suborbicularis
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1939-10-28
#94 -
Laurencia gracilis
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1940-09-21
#95 -
Polysiphonia aterrima
, Lindauer, Victor W. (95) 1939-08-15
#96 -
Lophosiphonia macra
, Lindauer, Victor W. (96) 1940-01-26
#97 -
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1940-01-21
#98 -
Ballia callitricha
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1940-01-13
#99 -
Ceramium uncinatum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (99) 1939-08-15
#100 -
Rhodochorton rothii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (100) 1940-01-26
#101 -
Phormidium ambiguum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (101) 1939-03-26
#102 -
Dichothrix gypsophila
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1940-11-24
#103 -
Rivularia vieillardii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1939-03-14
#104 -
Nostoc sphaericum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1940-07-26
#105 -
Stigeoclonium amoenum
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1939-03-11
#106 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1939-11-05
#107 -
Codium convolutum
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1939-11-15
#108 -
Ulva procera
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1939-01-06
#109 -
Petrospongium berkeleyi
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1938-09-14
#110 -
Ilea fascia
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1941-06-21
#111 -
Dictyota ocellata
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1939-12-27
#112 -
Zonaria velutina
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1941-09-24
#113 -
Durvillaea antarctica
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1941-01-16
#114 -
Bangia fuscopurpurea
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1941-08-28
#115 -
Pseudoscinaia australis
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-02-24
#116 -
Gelidium longipes
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1938-01-18
#117 -
Pterocladia lucida
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1941-12-22
#118 -
Dactylymenia berggrenii
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-02-24
#119 -
Curdiea engelhartii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1941-10-19
#120 -
Gigartina chapmanii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1937-12-21
#121 -
Gloiodermatopsis setchellii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1937-05-15
#122 -
Laurencia virgata
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1941-11-02
#123 -
Cladhymenia oblongifolia
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1941-08-24
#124 -
Dipterosiphonia heteroclada
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1940-01-15
#125 -
Rhizopogonia asperata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1937-10-02
#126 -
Phormidium retzii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1939-03-18
#127 -
Rhizoclonium riparium
, Victor W. Lindauer (1000) 1938-02-21
#128 -
Lyngbya confervoides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1938-07-02
#129 -
Enteromorpha compressa
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1939-04-09
#130 -
Cladophora inserta
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1938-11-28
#131 -
Sphacelaria pulvinata
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1942-10-24
#132 -
Leathesia difformis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1939-12-26
#133 -
Landsburgia quercifolia
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1942-08-31
#134 -
Carpophyllum maschalocarpum
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1942-10-24
#135 -
Batrachospermum gallaei
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1938-10-26
#136 -
Caulacanthus spinellus
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1942-08-31
#137 -
Gelidium australe
, Russell (s.n.) 1937-11-20
#138 -
Pterocladia capillacea
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1942-12-06
#139 -
Aeodes nitidissima
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1942-12-06
#140 -
Pachymenia crassa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1938-10-12
#141 -
Gracilaria harveyana
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1941-01-25
#142 -
Hypnea seticulosa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1939-02-17
#143 -
Sarcodia Montagneana
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1942-12-05
#144 -
Catenella fusiformis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1942-12-24
#145 -
Gymnogongrus humilis
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1940-02-25
#146 -
Rhodymenia leptophylla
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1942-12-05
#147 -
Gigartina atropurpurea
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1942-12-23
#148 -
Laurencia botrychioides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1942-12-06
#149 -
Bostrychia mixta f. inermis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1938-10-09
#150 -
Adamsiella chauvinii
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1942-08-30
#151 -
Scytonema figuratum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1940-11-24
#152 -
Prasiola antarctica
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1937-08-20
#153 -
Caulerpa brownii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1944-12-28
#154 -
Wittrockiella salina
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1940-09-21
#155 -
Ulva procera
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1939-10-28
#156 -
Sphacelaria tribuloides
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1941-07-12
#157 -
Cladostephus antarcticus
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-06-13
#158 -
Halopteris brachycarpa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-04-30
#159 -
Ptilopogon botryocladus
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1943-05-18
#160 -
Dictyota dichotoma
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-01-16
#161 -
Aglaozonia reptans
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-03-29
#162 -
Sporochnus pedunculatus
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-01-30
#163 -
Cystophora retroflexa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-09-24
#164 -
Gigartina tuberculosa
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-05-06
#165 -
Ectophora dichotoma
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1943-01-23
#166 -
Callophyllis hombroniana
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-01-06
#167 -
Gracilaria secundata f. compacta
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1940-12-14
#168 -
Rhizopogonia asperata
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-08-27
#169 -
Lomentaria umbellata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-08-29
#170 -
Laingia hookeri
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-10-17
#171 -
Schizoseris dichotoma
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1935-03-12
#172 -
Pandorea traversii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1943-01-06
#173 -
Callithamnion corymbosum
#174 -
Euptilota formosissima
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-01-06
#175 -
Chrysymenia polydactyla
, [collector unknown] (175) 1945-09-26
#176 -
Caulerpa articulata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-01-19
#177 -
Chaetomorpha darwinii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-01-01
#178 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-01-01
#179 -
Sphacelaria furcigera
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-06-13
#180 -
Cladostephus verticillatus
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-03-15
#181 -
Halopteris platycena
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-04-30
#182 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-01-04
#183 -
Chordaria dictyosiphon
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-04-10
#184 -
Myrionema strangulans
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-12-31
#185 -
Corynophlaea cystophorae
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1944-12-02
#186 -
Scytothamnus fasciculatus
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-09-10
#187 -
Dictyota papenfussii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1944-02-25
#188 -
Adenocystis utricularis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-12-29
#189 -
Sarcophycus potatorum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-01-15
#190 -
Nemalion ramulosum
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1945-01-30
#191 -
Nothogenia pseudosaccata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (191) 1945-10-06
#192 -
Delisea pulchra
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-01-07
#193 -
Plocamium leptophyllum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-03-12
#194 -
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1943-01-06
#195 -
Schizoseris davisii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-01-21
#196 -
Cystophora torulosa
, H. B. S. Womersley (s.n.) 1980-05-19
#197 -
Euzoniella cuneifolium
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-10-23
#198 -
Pleonosporium Hirtum
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1944-12-29
#199 -
Ballia scoparia
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-01-01
#200 -
Symphyocladia marchantioides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-10-07
#201 -
Bryopsis vestita
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-01-02
#202 -
Cladophora pellucida
, Lindauer, Victor W. (202) 1946-01-15
#203 -
Herponema maculaeforme
#204 -
Tinocladia novae-zelandiae
#205 -
Sphacelaria implicata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-03-18
#206 -
Sporochnus stylosus
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-11-27
#207 -
Carpomitra costata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (207) 1946-04-04
#208 -
Punctaria latifolia
, Lindauer, Victor W. (208) 1945-12-01
#209 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (209) 1945-10-17
#210 -
Macrocystis pyrifera
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-01-07
#211 -
Porphyra subtumens
, Lindauer, Victor W. (211) 1946-01-19
#212 -
Nothogenia fastigiata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (212) 1945-12-26
#213 -
Curdiea coriacea
, Lindauer, Victor W. (213) 1946-01-13
#214 -
Apophlaea lyallii
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-01-15
#215 -
Asparagopsis armata
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-03-05
#216 -
Delesseria crassinervia
, Lindauer, Victor W. (216) 1946-01-13
#217 -
Phycodrys quercifolia
, Lindauer, Victor W. (217) 1945-12-27
#218 -
Ptilonia willana
, Lindauer, Victor W. (218) 1945-10-16
#219 -
Brongniartella australis
, Victor W. Lindauer (219) 1946-01-19
#220 -
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-01-13
#221 -
Neomonospora griffithsioides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (221) 1946-01-12
#222 -
Seirospora byssoides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (222) 1946-07-01
#223 -
Antithamnion plumula
, Lindauer, Victor W. (223) 1945-12-27
#224 -
Microcladia novae-zelandiae
, Lindauer, Victor W. (224) 1946-01-15
#225 -
Peyssonnelia rubra
, Lindauer, Victor W. (225) 1945-05-12
#226 -
Cladophora feredayi
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-01-30
#227 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1938-11-04
#228 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1938-07-18
#229 -
Herponema maculaeforme
#230 -
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-06-12
#231 -
Halopteris novae-zelandiae
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-06-02
#232 -
Microzonia velutina
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-04-30
#233 -
Dictyota radicans
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-01-30
#234 -
Sporochnus moorei
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-01-30
#235 -
Scytothamnus australis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-01-15
#236 -
Cystophora scalaris
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-06-03
#237 -
Sargassum verruculosum
, V. W. Lindauer (237) 1946-03-06
#238 -
Gelidium pusillum var. conchicola
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1940-12-23
#239 -
Dactylymenia berggrenii
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-10-05
#241 -
Nienburgia andersoniana
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-01-09
#242 -
Phitymophora linearis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-03-06
#243 -
Apoglossum oppositifolium
#244 -
Erythroglossum undulatissimum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-06-24
#245 -
Polysiphonia lyallii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-03-12
#246 -
Bostrychia scorpioides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1939-04-09
#247 -
Griffithsia antarctica
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-03-06
#248 -
Plumariopsis pellucida
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-01-15
#249 -
Warrenia comosa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-01-30
#250 -
Pachymenia lusoria
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-01-12
#251 -
Draparnaldia plumosa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1943-03-13
#252 -
Codium adhaerens
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-03-09
#253 -
Cladophora membranacea
, V.W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-02-02
#254 -
Ectocarpus granulosus
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-01-20
#255 -
Halopteris congesta
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-03-25
#256 -
Leathesia novae-zelandiae
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-01-07
#257 -
Desmarestia firma
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-01-10
#258 -
Marginaria urvilliana
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1946-10-22
#259 -
Xiphophora chondrophylla var. maxima
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-10-01
#260 -
Lessonia variegata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-01-10
#261 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-01-23
#262 -
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1947-01-14
#263 -
Gelidium pseudointricatum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1942-12-24
#264 -
Gymnogongrus vermicularis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-01-10
#265 -
Bindera levringii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-11-17
#266 -
Rhodymenia novazelandica
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-08-31
#267 -
Delesseria laurifolia
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-03-12
#267A -
Delesseria laurifolia
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-03-20
#268 -
Pterocladia lucida
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1942-12-22
#269 -
Polysiphonia cancellata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-01-01
#270 -
Metamorphe colensoi
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-08-30
#271 -
Euzoniella bipartita
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-11-12
#272 -
Ptilothamnion pectinatum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-02-27
#273 -
Euptilota mooreana
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-02-22
#274 -
Ballia scoparia
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-02-18
#275 -
Ceramium tenuissimum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-03-05
#276 -
Symploca hydnoides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-01-23
#277 -
Cladophora refracta
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-01-19
#278 -
Ulva dactylifera
, Setch (s.n.) 1947-07-04
#279 -
Pylaiella littoralis
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-03-02
#280 -
Halopteris funicularis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-05-17
#281 -
Ecklonia richardiana
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-06-15
#282 -
Marginariella boryana
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-10-21
#283 -
Cystophora platylobium
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-01-13
#284 -
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1945-01-30
#285 -
Pseudoscinaia australis
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-02-12
#286 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-01-13
#287 -
Schizymenia Novae-zelandiae
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-03-25
#288 -
Trematocarpus acicularis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-05-21
#289 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-08-20
#290 -
Gigartina chapmanii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1941-01-20
#291 -
Rhodoglossum latissimum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-09-01
#292 -
Hymenocladia chondricola
#293 -
Antithamnion applicitum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-11-11
#294 -
Ceramium strictum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1941-09-04
#295 -
Spongoclonium pastorale
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-05-19
#296 -
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1941-12-07
#297 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-03-12
#298 -
Polysiphonia caulescens
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1946-01-14
#299 -
Bostrychia arbuscula
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-05-17
#300 -
Herposiphonia subtilis
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1938-01-03
#301 -
Calothrix scopulorum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-01-30
#302 -
Nostoc commune
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-01-05
#303 -
Enteromorpha clathrata f. prostrata
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1948-01-22
#304 -
Cladophora colensoi
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-01-06
#305 -
Chaetomorpha tortuosa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-01-10
#306 -
Rhizoclonium riparium
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-01-16
#307 -
Microdictyon umbilicatum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-12-28
#308 -
Sporocladopsis novae-zelandiae
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1948-01-12
#309 -
Ectocarpus confervoides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-01-18
#310 -
Ralfsia verrucosa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-01-30
#311 -
Sphacelaria stewartenis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-03-20
#312 -
Macrocystis pyrifera
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1948-05-16
#313 -
Cystophora torulosa
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-06-01
#314 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-03-14
#315 -
Pterocladia lucida
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1948-08-30
#316 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-02-14
#317 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-03-25
#318 -
Nemastoma feredayae
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1947-02-12
#319 -
Rhodophyllis laingii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-08-30
#320 -
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1948-01-10
#321 -
Gigartina pachymenioides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1946-03-06
#322 -
Antithamnion adnatum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-02-25
#323 -
Heterosiphonia boothii
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-10-04
#324 -
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-03-09
#325 -
Callithamnion levringii
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1946-02-10
#326 -
Rhizoclonium implexum
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1947-12-23
#327 -
Cladophora glaucescens
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1947-02-04
#328 -
Cladophora pellucida
, V. W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1941-11-02
#329 -
Spongomorpha arcta
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-10-17
#330 -
Capsosiphon aureus
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-01-02
#331 -
Wittrockiella salina
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-12-06
#332 -
Draparnaldia glomerata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1951-12-25
#333 -
Pylaiella littoralis
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-01-11
#334 -
Herponema pulvinatum
, [collector unknown] (s.n.) 1950-08-19
#335 -
Sphacelaria tribuloides
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-07-28
#336 -
Halopteris hordacea
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1950-08-31
#337 -
Ptilopogon botryocladus
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1949-02-11
#338 -
Cutleria multifida
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1950-01-03
#339 -
Sporochnus stylosus
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-11-22
#340 -
Striaria attenuata
#341 -
Asterocytis ornata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1949-12-20
#342 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1949-04-09
#343 -
Callophyllis ornata
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-12-23
#344 -
Aeodes nitidissima
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-06-10
#345 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1939-12-27
#346 -
Champia tasmanica
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1950-10-27
#347 -
Bartoniella prolifera
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1949-11-20
#348 -
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1948-11-03
#349 -
Bostrychia mixta
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1947-02-27
#350 -
Adamsiella chauvinii
, Victor W. Lindauer (s.n.) 1949-01-01
#1945 -
Gigartina tuberculosa
, Lindauer, Victor W. (s.n.) 1945-05-06
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