Macroalgal Herbarium Portal Natural History Collections and Observation Projects
The Chico State Lowell Ahart Herbarium is the most complete repository of plant specimens from northeastern California. The emphasis is on the northern California flora, and includes a great number of rare, threatened, and endangered plant species. Established with specimens donated by the late Professor Vesta Holt in the 1950's, the Herbarium now contains more than 125,000 dried and mounted specimens. The majority of samples are flowering plants, conifers, and ferns, but bryophytes, lichens, and especially slime molds, are also well represented. The Herbarium is used extensively for identification of sensitive and other plant species by various agencies and individuals. Loans of herbarium specimens are made to any higher academic institutions who request them. herbarium curator: Lawrence Janeway, herbarium director: Adrienne Edwards,, 530-898-5861 Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 3c9137bf-1a10-4f1c-b32f-7729806a1138
MIN-Algae |
Records of specimens at the University of Minnesota herbarium (MIN) Curator: George Weiblen, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 8 August 2022 Rights Holder: J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History Access Rights: Users are required to adhere to Bell Museum collections policy. Questions may be directed to the curator in charge.
Contacts: Tiana Rehman, Collections Manager, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: e9637fb6-915e-4df1-bee2-3b7f3fee4b1e
Contacts: Emily Sessa, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 28 February 2017
Contacts: Rebecca Kartzinel, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 3cf3dd5b-3c1e-4576-8df7-97e5738c4a42
Director: Marcia Moore,, 317-940-8302 Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 720e3d65-6fdf-4b68-8056-9c950715503e Rights Holder: Marcia E. Moore
CDA-Algae |
Algal collections dataset for the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDA)
Founded in the 1920s, the Botany Lab and Herbarium of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (Plant Pest Diagnostics Center) serves as the plant diagnostic and identification service for California, and is the repository for the state collection of noxious weed and agricultural plant specimens. Size of collection: ca. 60,000 plant specimens. Notable collections include those of CDFA and County Agricultural Commissioner staff, M. K. Bellue, T. C. Fuller, G. Douglas Barbe, G. F. Hrusa, and G. L. Stout. The Gilbert L. Stout Plant Disease Herbarium (CDA-BPS) has ca. 10,000 unaccessioned specimens, integration into CDA is in progress.
Collections are available via the CCH2 Portal [] Algae collections dataset for the California Department of Food and Agriculture - Algae (CDA) are available via the Macroalgae Portal [] Fungi collections dataset for the California Department of Food and Agriculture - Fungi (CDA) are available via the MyCoPortal []
CITES US 241; APHIS PPQ Containment facility #889; Foreign Importation PPQ 588 P526P-20-04200 [exp 10302023]; Interstate movement PPQ 526 P526P-20-02933 [exp 07012023]; CA State Diagnostic Plant Pest Permit 2828 [exp 08312023]; CDFW CESA (2081(a)-19-011-RP) AMENDMENT 1.
The CDFA PPDC Seed Herbarium has ca. 30,000 accessions in the Seed and Fruit Collection (CDA SFC), and is curated and databased separately from CDA (curator Emi Kuroiwa). Notable collections in CDA-SFC include those of CDFA and County Agricultural Commissioner staff, M. K. Bellue, B. Crampton, P. B. Kennedy, D. Baxter, B. M. Browning, D. Decker-Walters, and C. Dremann.
Curator & Senior Plant Taxonomist: Genevieve Walden, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: c1b2cdce-167b-4d00-ae8a-d7562225c414
PH |
Curator: Rick McCourt, Collection Manager: Chelsea Smith, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 42a8d51d-4be8-4119-9328-c9de969d82e3
The Duke Herbarium contains over 800,000 specimens of vascular plants, bryophytes, algae, lichens, and basidiomycete fungi, including more than 1900 types. The Algal Herbarium was established by Duke phycologist Richard Searles. The herbarium consists of 20,500 specimens of macro marine algae from the southeastern U.S., Caribbean, and Mexico, including over one hundred types. Contacts: Kathleen Pryer, Data manager: Blanka Aguero, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: b5a0e50d-d402-462f-bfb0-77ffe9b1f9a7
EMC-Algae |
The Eastern Michigan University Herbarium (EMC) provides botanical resources, research facilities, and educational opportunities to the University and broader scientific community. The herbarium seeks to continue and develop the scientific acquisition, documentation and monitoring of the plants of Michigan and the Great Lakes Region including those that are threatened, endangered and rare. The herbarium contains over 30,000 vascular plant specimens, mosses, fungi, and algae. Most specimens are from Michigan and Ontario, Canada. Contacts: Margaret Hanes, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: ed552eee-644e-43be-a4eb-5d3442481745
FH |
The personal herbarium and library of William Gilson Farlow (1844-1919), eminent mycologist and phycologist and first Professor of Cryptogamic Botany in North America, bequeathed to Harvard in 1919, form the nucleus of the Farlow Herbarium and Reference Library. Further bequests from Roland Thaxter (1858-1932), as well as specimens, manuscripts, correspondence, illustrations and field notes from other notable researchers, including E. B. Bartram, E. A. Burt, W. H. Weston Jr., D. H. Linder, and I. M. Lamb, have further enhanced the collections. The Farlow Herbarium currently houses approximately 1,400,000 specimens, including approximately 75,000 types, of lichenized and non-lichenized fungi, bryophytes, diatoms and algae. Contacts: Michaela Schmull, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 17 August 2023
UNISON-Ficoteca-USON |
La Ficoteca del Herbario USON, es una colección seca de macroalgas que incluye principalemte especímenes provenientes del Golfo de California, en especial del litoral sonorense.
Aunque se encuentra físicamente en el mismo edificio, la ficoteca funciona como una colección independiente a la de plantas vasculares, con una numeración y organización propia.
El objetivo de esta colección es conservar ejemplares de macroalgas que sirvan como respaldo de los registros de los taxones reportados para los mares de Sonora, con lo que se contribuye al conocimiento de la riqueza biológica de los ecosistemas marinos del estado, así como del patrimonio natural del país.Curador: Manuel Higinio Sandoval Ortega, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 75c81123-2f71-49bd-9a56-4f4e5dde9947
F |
Contacts: Matt von Konrat, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 3 March 2017
Contacts: Ben Legler, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 31 May 2017
The Gilbert M. Smith Herbarium (GMS) consists of over 8,000 specimens collected mostly around the Monterey Peninsula, California. GMS comprises four herbarium cases of specimens, representing more than 600 species. Most of the specimens were collected at or near their type localities and were the basis for illustrations in Abbott and Hollenberg's Marine Algae of California. The primary collectors for this herbarium are Isabella A. Abbott (2,100+ specimens), Gilbert M. Smith (~1,000), George J. Hollenberg (~700), L. E. Hair (~600), James N. Norris (~400), and Wheeler J. North (~350). The physical collection is housed at Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. The entire collection was digitized as part of the NSF-funded Macroalgal Digitization Project. Contacts: Dr. Christopher Neefus, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 77a4c56b-b0cc-407b-8a2b-458052fa31d9 Rights Holder: Stanford University
HXC-Algae |
Major collectors include the late Hendrix biology faculty member G. Thomas Clark, David M. Johnson who collected here in the 1970s, and a nice set of most of the fern species of central Arkansas collected by Don Crank in 2010. The herbaria also contains small curated collections of bryophytes, lichen, and macroalgae, databased and searchable through,, and Primary Contact: Matthew Reid, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 0d904e51-4588-4899-8fe8-2687dd31a1e7
The Bishop Museum, located in Honolulu, Hawaii, established in 1889, is the largest museum in the state and the premier natural and cultural history institution in the Pacific, recognized throughout the world for its collections, research projects, consulting services and public educational programs. The Herbarium Pacificum (BISH) includes approximately 79,000 macroalgal specimens, primarily from Hawaii and the Pacific. These specimens have been collected over the past 250 years by more than 1,500 phycologists, but most notably M.S. Doty and I.A. Abbott, and their students. While some of the oldest specimens were collected in the early-1800’s, approximately 35% are vouchers from studies undertaken within the past 50 years. Contacts: Barbara Kennedy, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 29 September 2014
Interim Contact: Saskia Raether, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 29741e9c-430e-40ff-ba21-580fefde24c8
Contacts: Eric Knox, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 211625f0-dd68-47ba-af06-b89fb0d98cbf Rights Holder: Indiana University Herbarium
The Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network (MARINe) is a consortium of research groups that collect compatible data along the west coast of North America. The pressings in this collection are housed at the University of California, Santa Cruz but contributors are from various MARINe entities. The majority of these voucher specimens were collected during intertidal biodiversity surveys for identification purposes because they were challenging to identify in the field. Due to the nature of this collection, there is a possibility of mis-identified species.
This collection began in 2001 and continues through the present. There are currently over 3,300 specimens that have been collected from Alaska to Mexico (with a notable collector being Kathy Ann Miller). Curator: Laura Anderson, Database Manager: Rani Gaddam, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 9 July 2024
MU |
Miami University is the home of Ohio's largest herbarium, the Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium. The herbarium's holdings of approximately 620,000 specimens are worldwide in both geographical and taxonomic coverage. The collection consists of 330,000 vascular plant specimens, as well as 140,000 bryophytes, 100,000 fungi, 35,000 lichens, 10,000 algae, and 5,000 fossil plants. There are several thousand type specimens contained in the collection, as well as many sets of cryptogamic exsiccatae. Active exchange programs are ongoing with many herbaria worldwide to ensure the continued breadth and depth of the collection. The W.S. Turrell Herbarium Fund is an endowment which benefits the herbarium, and is restricted to support of the research activities of the staff and students in systematic botany. Curator: Gretchen Meier,, (513) 529-2755 Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 6d9ab2dc-1758-4cc8-bb43-824160fb5d54
Contacts: L. Alan Prather, Director, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: ee6e8e10-4af0-4359-a6e7-abd3b79b4dff
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: a7243a66-1d6b-49f4-9495-09539dab0323
Contacts: Chris Neefus, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 9aa5bd11-52bb-4e8e-ac9c-8e78bd5889ac
Contacts: Dr. Christopher Neefus, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 18 August 2023
NY |
The William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden is the foundation of the Garden's botanical research program. All plant and fungal groups (i.e., algae, cyanobacteria, conifers, ferns, flowering plants, fungi, lichens, liverworts, and mosses) are represented by specimens collected in all parts of the world. The herbarium houses more than 7 million specimens and is the fourth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. The collections are augmented regularly by new accessions made by the Garden's staff, by gifts as well as by exchanges of specimens from other herbaria. Contacts: Emily Sessa, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 9 September 2024
The Algae Herbarium of the New York State Museum is a small historic collection housing specimens from New York State, North America, and abroad. Collections are either pressed and mounted on herbarium sheets or preserved as permanent microscope slides. Collections Manager: Diana Murphy,, 518-402-5350 Curator of Botany: Dr. James C. Lendemer,, 518-473-6511 Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 3cb49f23-ea83-4984-b37f-b645c656a647
Contacts: Aaron Liston, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 15 September 2022
Collection Type: General Observations Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 586e2ec2-a58e-417d-bcd6-fed5366172c8
BDI-Algae |
The Putnam Museum & Science Center herbarium holds nearly 19,000 specimens. Contributions to the collection, made by approximately 450 botanists, span the years 1834 to 1989 and represent 20 countries. The herbarium is largely of North American origin (92%). Though 46 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. are represented, nearly half of the specimens are from Iowa and Illinois (48%), due to extensive collecting completed to document the flora of the Quad Cities region. Angiosperms predominate (92%), but pteridophytes (3.5%), bryophytes (2.6%), and algae (1.2%) are also present. Of the approximately 1450 genera in 314 families in the herbarium, the Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, and Rosaceae combined make up 38% of the total. Contacts: Nick Stoynoff, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 3 August 2022
The Chrysler Herbarium (CHRB) at Rutgers University is the last internationally recognized herbarium still in existence in the state of New Jersey (USA). Over 150,000 vascular plant and algal collections, about 7,000 moss and liverwort specimens, and 2,600 lichen specimens form our collection and are arranged and catalogued systematically. The collection is worldwide in scope, with an emphasis on New Jersey and the Mid-Atlantic area, and contains specimens back to the early 1800s. The Rutgers Mycological Herbarium (RUTPP), which is housed together with CHRB, has been estimated to contain more than 40,000 fungal collections, and has a strong focus on microfungi and plant pathogens. Dr. James White is the curator of the mycological collections, and Dr. Lena Struwe is the Director of the Chrysler Herbarium. Collections Manager: Megan R. King,, 848-932-4158 Director: Lena Struwe,, 848-932-6343 Contacts: Chrysler Herbarium,, 848-932-4011 Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 0610118a-3846-481e-9e4e-490d59086174
SD |
Contacts: Layla Aerne Hains, Collections Manager, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 032a7dfb-9b11-4248-bde0-624b12aa9203
SDSU-Algae |
The San Diego State University Herbarium (SDSU) is a depository of over 25,700 vascular plant specimens and nearly 500 specimens of macroalgae. These are all used in research and teaching. The purpose of these specimens is: 1) to serve as voucher documentation for research projects; 2) to serve as resources for plant identification; and 3) to serve as exemplars in plant courses. The SDSU Herbarium both receives and provides loans of plant specimens used in active systematic research. The herbarium macroalgae collection consists of specimens from the Pacific coast of the United States and Baja California, Mexico and from the Gulf of California, Mexico, with some collections from Hawaii.
Collections Manager: Mike Simpson, Curator: Matt Edwards Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: a8ee3fab-30e3-4d33-85fd-3a33e8942955
LSU-Algae |
Louisiana State University Herbarium Algal Collection: approximately 50 specimens from USA. Contacts: Jennifer S. Kluse, Collections Manager, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 2f7bf7f2-a6a3-4dfb-9fda-d87e96e4343a
Contacts: Dale Kruse, Curator, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 16fd5e4f-35ee-47d4-9131-b6969757c6cf
UC |
Contacts: Jason Alexander, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 28 June 2017
The University of Alabama Herbarium (UNA) houses about 64,000 specimens of vascular plants, ca. 6,000 specimens of mosses, ca. 1,600 algae, and a few liverworts, lichens, & fungi. These include The Mohr Herbarium (formerly ALU) ca. 4500 specimens on permanent loan from the Alabama Museum of Natural History. The herbarium serves the three functions of the University: teaching, research, and service. Classes in botany make use of the collection for instructional purposes. A separate teaching collection is maintained with specimens of the local flora. The collections serve as a repository of research materials for study by students and faculty at the University of Alabama and, through loans, at herbaria worldwide. Contacts: Juan Lopez-Bautista, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 0e1f910b-778b-43a1-a052-4377121b1608
Contacts: Steffi M. Ickert-Bond, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 12 August 2015
Contacts: Michael Stekoll, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: cc07638c-9f3d-4dcb-819f-856688c67424
Now part of the Beaty Biodiversity Museum. Emphasis on vascular plants of Pacific Rim countries; bryophytes of northern hemisphere; benthic marine algae of British Columbia, Washington, and Alaska.
Specialties: Worldwide; Vascular plants of Pacific Rim countries; bryophytes of northern hemisphere; benthic marine algae of British Columbia, Washington, and Alaska; macrofungi and lichens. CITES: CA 014
Notable collectors: R. Bandoni; K. I. Beamish; J. Calder; J. Davidson; J. W. Eastham; H. Kennedy; V. J. Krajina; P. Lebednik; R. Scagel; W. B. Schofield; G. B. Straley; T. M. C. Taylor Director and Curator of Vascular Plants: Jeannette Whitton, ubc[dot]herbarium[at]ubc[dot]ca Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 15 September 2022
The UCSB botanical collections, housed at the Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration, include over 250,000 taxa of terrestrial and marine species. The vascular plant herbarium includes approximately 100,000 vascular plant specimens, lichens curated by Dr. Shirley Tucker, and the C.H. Muller Oak collection. The algal herbarium houses approximately 8000 specimens dating from the 1880s. Contacts: Greg Wahlert, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 6d00282e-3374-4a82-91a3-723372c9247b
DAV-Algae |
The Center for Plant Diversity herbarium at the University of California, Davis houses collections primarily of marine macroalgae and from east and west coasts of North America. It is one of four collections in the John M. Tucker Herbarium, the others being vascular, lichens, and bryophytes. Our emphasis is on California species (ca 50% of our collections). Collections Manager: Teri Barry,, 530-752-1091 Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: eea73e03-b82e-4111-a1c0-391d95a5aa38
Contacts: Peter Bowler, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: e9a89b41-66eb-4db0-9351-0f017cd69f07
UCSC-Algae |
The UCSC Marine Macroalgal Herbarium Collection contains approximately 3300 pressed marine macroalgae representing more than 500 species, with records starting from the 1960's. These specimens were primarily collected and pressed as part of the UCSC Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Marine Botany Class, though a subset (~ 330) were collected and preserved at the Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History. The physical specimens are housed at the UCSC Long Marine Lab.
Most specimens are from Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, and San Mateo County, California, USA, but some specimens are from as far north as British Columbia, Canada, and Oregon, USA. Notable collectors and contributors include Isabella Aiona Abbott, Kathy Ann Miller, William Doyle, Julie Packard, and Vicki Pearse, among many other dedicated students, biologists and educators.
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: be716d58-ab3f-4afa-864e-7e29fd979bac Rights Holder: Regents of the University of California
The George Safford Torrey Herbarium (CONN) supports botanical research in all disciplines including systematics, taxonomy, biodiversity, ecology, ethnobotany, palaeobotany, evolution and education. The herbarium combines significant palaeobotanical, bryological, lichenological, mycological, phycological and vascular plants totaling over 160,000 specimens, all housed in a fully modern, state-of-the-art facility. We are in the process of databasing our phycology collections. Over 2000 specimens have been entered to date. All specimens will eventually be imaged and made available on this site. Sample images are available for the genus Porphyra. The specimens were discovered in various parts of the Torrey Life Sciences Building during the move to the new combined collections facility. The majority of the collection dates from the latter part of the nineteenth century, starting around the mid 1870’s and is mostly from New England. Specimens range from those collected by eminent phycologists such as Frank Shipley Collins and Isaac Holden to other UConn collectors such as Andrew E. Wheeler, Joanna Page, George Safford Torrey and Frank Trainor. New collections are being added by students from the Biology of Algae course. A small minority of specimens are from Australia, Bahamas, California, Florida and Puerto Rico. Also included are exsiccatae separates from Algae Boreali-Americanae and the Phycotheca Boreali-Americana. Collins, Holden, and Setchell. With an active phycology faculty CONN is interested in exchanging duplicates to add to our collections. Comments on the data and requests to loan the specimens or receive archived high resolution images are welcome. Contacts: Dr. Sarah Taylor, Collections Manager, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 30fec3c0-86a4-410e-93f2-7a17ef167c74
The University of Florida Macroalgal Collection contains approximately 4,000 specimens. The overwhelming majority are from the United States and adjacent international waters. The collection includes specimens accumulated at FLAS over many decades and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission collection (STPE, aka Marine Research Lab, St. Petersburg, Florida) acquired in 2010. Important collections includematerial collected for a study related to the potential ecological impact of the Crystal River power plant and the Hourglass Cruises, material collected as part of a survey of the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico by the Marine Research Lab of the Florida Board of Conservation. The FLAS acronym is the standard international abbreviation for the University of Florida Herbarium. It is derived from the herbarium's early association with the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.
Contacts: Alan R. Franck, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 234e57b5-de66-479c-a60f-1c62d342f66b Rights Holder: University of Florida
Contacts: Tom Schils, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 708c61f9-5052-4edd-b119-b1cdbcc3226c
Founded in 1908, the Joseph F. Rock Herbarium (HAW) serves the official university repository for plant specimens associated with student, staff, and faculty teaching and research. The herbarium was created by Dr. Joseph F. Rock's original collections and is the oldest herbarium in Hawaii. It is the result of decades of plant exploration by some of the leading researchers in the Pacific basin and today its use continues to expand. The herbarium is part of the University Museum Consortium, and comprises approximately 60,000 dried preserved plant specimens including algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, angiosperms, fungi, and ancillary collections of 35 mm slides, wood, seed, and DNA. For more than 100 years, the herbarium has been a focal point for teaching, training, and education on the flora of Hawai'i and the Pacific with particular emphasis on vascular plants. Contacts: Thomas A. Ranker, Curator, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 8fc52404-8f9c-436c-bb23-452d2883ddfa Rights Holder: University of Hawaii Access Rights:
Contacts: Susan Brawley, Susan Brawley ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 19 August 2019 Rights Holder: University of Maine Access Rights:
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 28 February 2023
Contacts: Tristram Seidler, Curator, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 4f927c91-401d-4ff4-8d6a-eb31c54c5099
Collection Manager: Brad Ruhfel, Colleciton Manager: Aly Baumgartner, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 0563c54f-4aa5-4495-8acf-ecfe1405b42e
The Albion Hodgdon Herbarium and the associated Sumner Pike Library are housed in the Spaulding Life Sciences building of the Biological Sciences Complex. The herbarium comprises approximately 200,000 specimens (120,000 vascular plants, 80,000 marine algae, and 1600 bryophytes and lichens). The herbarium contains a combination of historic and recently collected specimens, including 102 nomenclatural type specimens and voucher specimens supporting taxonomic, ecological, and biogeographic research. While our specimens represent plant species worldwide, the collections emphasize northeastern North America and are especially strong in representing freshwater and marine habitats. An additional strength is our extensive collection of Neotropical aquatic species. Contacts: Dr. Chris Neefus, Director, Collection Manager: Erin Sigel, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: a881deae-b462-48a6-9d02-0234bfc80a3c
NCU-Algae |
The Max & Fran Hommersand Algae Herbarium is curated by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU). Note that algae collected before 1995 by Hommersand were placed in formalin. Gabrielson's non-coralline specimens are a mix; if pressed fresh this is noted on the specimen label. Gabrielson's coralline specimens were not put in formalin unless noted on the label. NCU also curates vascular plants, lichens, fungi, bryophytes, & plant fossils. NCU, located in the center of the UNC-CH campus, welcomes visitors & researchers; contact Curator for information on hours & parking. STATEMENT ON OFFENSIVE CONTENT ON SPECIMEN LABELS: Collection records at NCU may contain language that reflects historical place or taxon names in an original form that is no longer acceptable or appropriate in an inclusive environment. Because NCU preserves data in their original form to retain authenticity and facilitate research, we have chosen to facilitate conversations and are committed to address the problem of racial, derogatory and demeaning language that may be found in our database. Insensitive or offensive language is not condoned by NCU. We recognize the land and sovereignty of Native & Indigenous nations in Chapel Hill, in North Carolina, in North America, and across the world. The North Carolina Botanical Garden and the North Carolina Botanical Garden Foundation acknowledge that the story told about the history of the land we steward has been incomplete. These lands were home to multiple tribes & the ancestors of the Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation persist locally to this day. We recognize that at least one of the adjacent lands we steward, Mason Farm Biological Reserve, was first cleared, cultivated, & worked by Native Americans & later by African enslaved people. We invite you to reflect on our individual & community roles in knowing important & untold stories about the land we each steward. Curatrix: Carol Ann McCormick,, +1-919-962-6931 (ORCID #: 0000-0003-3785-8433) Director: Alan S. Weakley, Macroalgae Curator: Paul Gabrielson, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: e20ae18b-1a20-46ad-ab0f-8f5b63520f3e
The University of North Carolina Wilmington phycological collection contains ca. 6,000 specimens. Important collectors include Ed Flynn, D. Wilson Freshwater, and D. Frederick Kapraun. Contacts: Darin Penneys, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: aa04083c-b192-47bb-b408-cec81c1b0540
Contacts: Chris Neefus, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 4ad6bb84-d038-427e-b82e-8ae96e273133
The A. C. Moore Herbarium is an important part of the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina (Columbia Campus). Founded in 1907 by Dr. Andrew Charles Moore, the original collection of dried plant specimens is now part of an ever-growing collection. Total holdings are just over 120,000 specimens, making the A. C. Moore Herbarium the largest in the state of South Carolina. Researchers and visitors will find a diverse collection of vascular and nonvascular plant material primarily from the Southeastern United States and more specifically from South Carolina. The phycological collection is estimated to contain 2,000 specimens. Now over 100 years old, the A. C. Moore Herbarium continues to be an indispensable resource for botanical knowledge. Herbarium Curator: Herrick Brown,, +1-803-777-8175 MacroAlgae Collections Manager: Avery Browning, GIS Specialist: Csilla Czako, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 9e270302-8cdd-436b-972a-6053d507450a
Interim Curator: Karla Alvarado, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: d032925d-2181-4c19-abc7-dd9bee3597ee
Contacts: Herbarium Email, Herbarium Director: Dr. Jessica Budke, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: e5441b5e-f8fb-40c3-a6b8-99bef09b3dcf Rights Holder: University of Tennessee Herbarium
UT |
Contacts: Mitchell Power, Curator, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 8 February 2017
VT |
The Pringle Herbarium (VT) contains 300,000 specimens, including vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, algae and fungi. Current digitization projects cover type specimens, all vascular plant specimens, North American bryophytes and lichens, macroalgae and macrofungi. These images and data are available through various portals. The herbarium does not maintain its own online database. Curator: Weston L. Testo, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: bde37646-b0b4-4cf4-8412-a11bc09a6986 Rights Holder: University of Vermont
Contacts: David Giblin, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 1 February 2016
Algal collections from West Virginia University. Contacts: Donna Ford-Werntz, Curator, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: e9f95fd1-1746-4ea4-a4d2-640f7a8537d5
Contacts: Patrick W. Sweeney, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 2 June 2017
Contacts: Ian Renne, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 5e461c21-b229-4a27-a797-60a4f1fe83c0
Weber State University-WSCO |
The collection is estimated to include 29,080 specimens of vascular and nonvascular specimens. Herbarium Curator: Jim Cohen, Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 6c63d461-d677-4fe5-8aa4-0b9b9f002d7c Rights Holder: Weber State University Access Rights: Public Domain